The Cave's X-Files Commentary Archives: Humor

Spending too much time online?

A comment from Patterson

Post: Hm? Face to Face? Is that some new chat program? I don't really understand. Where can I download that? OOOOHHH!! 

Boy don't I feel stupid, do you mean talking to other ...... people? Uh, I haven't seen another living soul except for the Takeout Taxi guy in three weeks. He gets cuter every time he comes by. At first I was like "Whoa! You look like Beetlejuice!" but now he's starting to look like Harry Connick, Jr. I don't know if I'm eating too much Thai or what. So I guess everything is going well. Although the last time The Takeout Taxi guy was here, instead of talking to him, I handed him an email. Well, I thought this was a bad sign so I've been talking to myself lately. And I think I'm ready to order Takeout again. :) 

Thanks for the care and concern. But obviously, I have everything under control.



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